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“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mood follows action.
Train harder than you race.
Have an open mind.
You GET to do this.
Mind over body.
Mind over body.
Mood follows action. Train harder than you race. Have an open mind. You GET to do this. Mind over body. Mind over body.
The financial side of an IronMan
Is triathlon and specifically IronMan a sport for the rich and wealthy? A spicy question, isn’t it? Well, I’ll leave it up to you to make your own judgement on this question. In this article, I’m going to share with you what I invested in this undertaking.
My personal Do’s & Don’ts during off-season
The off-season is there to take off my mind from races and challenges and simply run for the pure joy of it. Because I love training, I find the off-season quite challenging at times. So I developed my personal Do’s & Don’t for the off-season to let my body and mind really recuperate.
Inside the mind of an IronWoman
The mind is my strongest muscle. In this article I’m letting you inside my head. I’ll show you what I keep saying and thinking to myself during endurance challenges.
The message I wanted to send with my self-supported IronMan
Deciding to do an IronMan on my own and self-supported wasn’t an easy one. Through journaling I reminded myself why I embarked on this journey and I discovered that the reason was much bigger than me. Here’s what message I want to send to people.
Countdown to my self-supported IronMan
Here’s a timeline of what went down before my self-supported IronMan.
Why I call it IronMind instead of IronMan
My last race of this season was the IronMan 70.3 in Weymouth. It was brutal and epic. 37 mph winds, thunderstorms and pouring rain. And here’s why I call it IronMind.
Race Day - Final part: The RUN - Let’s get this party started
It’s time for some Rock’n’Roll! Come with me on a tour through the last part of the IronMan 70.3 in Weymouth: The Run.
Race Day - Part 2: Bike
IronMan 70.3: I survived the swim. So now the enjoyment can begin. Let me walk you through part 2 of the race: The 90 km hilly bike ride.
Race Day - The Swim -Bring it on!
The IronMan 70.3 in Weymouth was an incredible and life changing experience. Let me walk you through my Race Day starting with the swim. Not just any swim but THE swim of my life.
What & how to pack for a triathlon
Let’s start at the beginning and have a look at what & how I packed my three transition bags for the IronMan 70.3, what I will do differently next time.
The moment I’ve been training for, not waiting for
I DID IT! I seriously finished the IronMan 70.3 last weekend and I’m still processing what happened. So let’s start with the mantras that helped me lining up at the start of this race.
Part 5 - My IronMan 70.3 journey
“Are you crazy?! You’re going to do an IronMan 70.3 without having done any other smaller triathlon?” I hear that a lot! Well, it wasn’t my original plan to have such a rocket start. Have a look what my initial plans were and why they changed.
Part 4 - My IronMan 70.3 journey
This is a bit of an usual post for me because I’m going to share some training stats with you and explain what they mean to me.
Part 3 - My IronMan 70.3 journey
Part 3: This post is an important one for me personally. It feels more like a motivational speech to myself on how to overcome my deep fear of swimming the open water.
Part 2 - My IronMan 70.3 journey
Part 2: In this post, we’ll go back to 2019 again and have a look at how my transition from weight lifting to triathlon training looked like.
Part 1 of my IronMan 70.3 journey
New mini series: Why did I decide to do a triathlon? Where it all began…