Helping people & the planet
My main intention with my site is to inspire people to be brave and follow their hearts. Everyone has that inner voice that is telling them what they actually, truly want to become and what they need to do to achieve it. For some this voice is already loud and clear, for others it might be a quiet whisper. Whatever it is, I truly hope that my story is helping you following that voice.
But I also want to take the chance with my blog and bring awareness to some of the projects I’m supporting. There are a few projects that very close to my heart. So please take a few minutes and read about them below. Obviously, I’d be endlessly grateful if you would support them too in any capacity that is doable for you.
Help reversing climate change & protect the South West Coast Path
The South West Coast Path (SWCP) is the longest of England’s National Trails. It’s 1,014 km (630 miles) long and filled with stunning and breathtaking coastal views. I feel so blessed to be able to call it “my beloved backyard” and to run there every weekend.
What makes it so special, exhilarating and liberating is that it sits on the edge. But this also puts it on the frontline of extreme weather caused by climate change. Increasing storm damage and rising sea levels are leading to cliff falls and result in faster rates of coastal erosion which threatens the access to the trail we often take for granted. It breaks my heart to see the effects of climate change in my beloved backyard. If we don’t act now, in less than 20 years about 5,000 habitants will lose their homes, wildlife will be effected too and parts of the trails won’t be accessible anymore! Please click on “Take action” to see how you can get involved and support the SWCP Association. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Help people to get clean water access in a sustainable way
Did you know that there are still 771 million people who lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water? It’s the sad and shocking reality. Charity Water’s mission is to change that - for the people and the planet - and I am supporting them wherever I can. They are a non-profit organisation that brings clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Learn more about their approach and projects on their website.
As a passionate ultra trail runner, I know that hydration is key. Without water, I wouldn't be able to run these distances and experience life to the fullest. It's easy to take clean water for granted. So I want to help those who have no clean water accessible and help ending the water crises. Please support this mission by donating whatever you can. Every single penny counts. Thank you for every donation from the bottom of my heart.
Another way of my mission to support people is my coaching business MindFuelBody. Have a look at my website www.mindfuelbody.com to get all the information about my holistic approach to work on your mindset, nutrition and exercise. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re interested to work with me or if you have any questions. Supporting others to become their healthiest and true self is what I live for.